APP ADP Calculator

APP ADP Calculator ADP Chicago entrusted me with the task of designing and implementing calculator app for tablets to be used by their employees and employers in order to calculate holidays, insurances, taxes, etc for clients and allied companies. client/company...

APP Conconcreto

APP Conconcreto An APP for Constructora Conconcreto, a Colombian company dedicated to the design, construction and maintenance of engineering megaprojects and also real estate in Colombia and Panama. In this application users, customers and partners could access to...

APP Almacenes Éxito

APP Almacenes Éxito An APP for Almacenes Éxito, a supermarket chain in Colombia. This is a transactional APP where costumers can vistually make all their purchases in a tablet. The version I was part on is not available today due latest updatings. client/company...